
oises were heard continuously in the sky. It was as if there were more than ten giant drums beating simultaneously and chaotically. The loud noises caused deafness, tinnitus, and dizziness to those who stayed to watch the battle, and they had to stay away again.

oises were heard continuously in the sky. It was as if there were more than ten giant drums beating simultaneously and chaotically. The loud noises caused deafness, tinnitus, and dizziness to those who stayed to watch the battle, and they had to stay away again.
/However, not everyone can clearly see the figures of Long Ming and Yin Kuang. Most people could only see the two disappear, then appear, and then disappear again. They have no idea who is at an advantage and who is at a disadvantage. Just looking at it, the two seemed to be evenly matched.
The giant swords collided one after another, as if a hammer hit everyone’s chest. The impact of this powerful force is so real. Even just looking at it, there is an illusion that it is hitting me. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be hit by any of the giant swords in their hands. Maybe my soul will return to Jingling Lake before I have time to feel it.
A sophomore who had disappeared for a year was actually evenly matched with the famous Long Ming! ? Who would believe it if they didn’t see it with their own eyes? Who dares to believe it? At this moment, even though the outcome was not yet decided, Yin Kuang’s original impression in everyone’s minds was instantly shattered. There are also a few juniors among them, and they think from the bottom of their hearts that Yin Kuang is a pervert! And what about sophomores? The complex expression can no longer be described in detailed language.
Wu Tian, ??who originally thought Yin Kuang was an idiot, now had only deep shock and gradually rising admiration in his eyes. As for Wu Mei, who was not far away from him, her hateful eyes had disappeared, her swollen cheeks turned pale, and fear hung on her face. A pair of thick sausage-like lips moved and murmured “Kill him, kill him.” Obviously, she didn’t want Yin Kuang to survive. Because that would be her disaster.
As for the man, he has disappeared.
/And just when Yin Kuang and Long Ming were having a pure collision of strength and power, Tang Rouyu, Qian Qianqian, and a large group of elites from “Wanjie” quietly appeared below.
It was obviously planned!
Tang Rouyu, who was wearing a beige high-collar windbreaker, had a slightly cold face, and her long crow-colored hair was blown to pieces by the wind. Qian Qianqian, on the other hand, was wearing a fire-colored windbreaker, standing next to Tang Rouyu, looking heroic. The two women raised their heads and looked up into the sky, their eyes like water waves locked on Yin Kuang with concern. But then there was a flash, and there was only determination and coldness in the eyes of the two people.
The members of Wanjie who reappeared also looked up at Yin Kuang and Long Ming in the sky in disbelief. Although before they re-entered the Chaos Continent, Tang Rouyu told them the entire plan (excluding ‘killing oneself with a borrowed knife’). At the same time, he also gave a rough description of Yin Kuang’s strength. Most people don’t really believe it. But now that they saw it with their own eyes, they truly believed