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魏明“呃”了一声,道:“尹旷,你该不会是想助白发魔女队1238班的人吧?”尹旷笑道:“为什么不能?哪边对我们有利,就与那边靠拢甚至合作,这不正是高校的生存之道吗?”魏明道:“这我倒没意见。只是,就怕白发魔女不会给咱们好脸色看。” 钱倩倩道:“当然不会给你好脸色了。不过尹旷就不一样啦。谁让他和卓一航长的一模一样呢?我说的对吧?”尹旷道:“嗯嗯,你说的很对。”钱倩倩顿时嘴巴一嘟。唐柔语笑了笑,道:“尹旷,你是不是有办法破阵?” 尹旷指了指自己的眼睛,道:“我用的眼睛可以看透虚幻的东西。而曾飞的眼睛,却可以看透真实地东西。我们两个联手,任何阵法都不在话下!除非,他们能够分出人手来干扰我们。不过,显然这是不可能的。” 唐柔语点点头,然后吩咐道:“沈寇,张东强,林秀英,还有慕容妍,你们四个负责守住桃花林的东南西北四个出口。以防止有人逃跑但切记量力而为。”沈寇四人听了,微微一愣,随机便若有所思的应了声。 唉!说什么防止有人逃跑,还不是不信任我们?不过随即他们就释怀了。不信任就不信任吧。反正高校也不存在什么信任。只要守住四个方向,又不用进入那险恶的阵法之中,更不用参战,何乐而不为? 沈寇四人分散至东南西北四个角落后,尹旷便取出韧性十足的绳子,在每个人的腰上饶上一圈,将众人连在一起,以防止入阵后走失。 “记住,入阵后,无论看到什么,除非我传达意识给你们,都不要轻举妄动。曾飞负责寻找道路,找出陷阱机关,我负责对付迷魂幻象。”入阵前,尹旷再一次的确认。 随后,五人就以尹旷和曾飞两人为首,魏明和唐柔语押后,钱倩倩居中,走进了桃花林中。 一踏入其中,五人就感觉狂风四作,耳畔风声呼呼个不停,浓烟滚滚,沙尘飞扬,弄的眼睛下意识的就闭了起来。而等到五人再次睁开眼睛的时候,眼前的景象顿时就变了。而且,每个人的眼前见到景象都不同。 曾飞所见,便是潘龙涛临死时朝他呼救 钱倩倩所见,是尹旷被朱彤一刀两断的一瞬间 唐柔语看到,她的母亲被父亲抛弃,正在遭受歹人的凌辱 魏明则见到他的爱人正在和另一个男人欢好,神情销魂 几乎每一个景象,都抓住了每个人心中最为脆弱的地方,然后狠狠的扎下一刀子,足以痛彻心扉,让人彻底丧失理智! 而尹旷呢? […]

3 min read

spoon that was stirring the fragrant tea and said: “Let’s not talk about these past events. Later, I used a special method to sneak into a girl named Qian Qianqian when the school’s defense was at its weakest during the admissions process. In the girl’s body. As for why I chose her, there is a reason, but it is not important to you. What I want to say is that from then on, my plan for Dongsheng has already begun. When I say this, maybe you can understand Feel better. After all, I suddenly came to the world of the Three Kingdoms and won with absolute force. I know you may not be convinced. What I have paid is beyond your imagination. Any success will never rely solely on force. So, now I need you .”

spoon that was stirring the fragrant tea and said: “Let’s not talk about these past […]

3 min read

s, but there was nothing she could do. Because she knew that no one was sure of capturing Yin Kuang alive before he committed suicide. As for whether Yin Kuang would really commit suicide, King Ada did not doubt it. Because even if Yin Kuang doesn’t commit suicide, will he still be spared when Isaacs and Aikenfo, the big meat monsters, arrive? As he said, you are going to die anyway, so it is better to make a fortune before you die.

s, but there was nothing she could do. Because she knew that no one was […]

3 min read

ring for the “rebellion”, and Tang Rouyu and others were not idle either. It is true that the Huashan Sect was destroyed, but the influence of the Huashan Sect is still there, and the disciples of the Huashan Sect have not lost much. Externally, Tang Rouyu could not be stupid enough to say that she destroyed the Huashan Sect. Instead, she gave the blame to the God of War of Yujiang. At the same time, she declared the cruelty of the God of War of Yujiang without any hesitation. Any dirty talk would go to the God of War of Yujiang. Splash on body.

ring for the “rebellion”, and Tang Rouyu and others were not idle either. It is […]