
ring for the “rebellion”, and Tang Rouyu and others were not idle either. It is true that the Huashan Sect was destroyed, but the influence of the Huashan Sect is still there, and the disciples of the Huashan Sect have not lost much. Externally, Tang Rouyu could not be stupid enough to say that she destroyed the Huashan Sect. Instead, she gave the blame to the God of War of Yujiang. At the same time, she declared the cruelty of the God of War of Yujiang without any hesitation. Any dirty talk would go to the God of War of Yujiang. Splash on body.

ring for the “rebellion”, and Tang Rouyu and others were not idle either. It is true that the Huashan Sect was destroyed, but the influence of the Huashan Sect is still there, and the disciples of the Huashan Sect have not lost much. Externally, Tang Rouyu could not be stupid enough to say that she destroyed the Huashan Sect. Instead, she gave the blame to the God of War of Yujiang. At the same time, she declared the cruelty of the God of War of Yujiang without any hesitation. Any dirty talk would go to the God of War of Yujiang. Splash on body.
After leaving the Huashan Sect Tianjian Peak, Tang Rouyu led thousands of Huashan Sect disciples to the Wudang Immortal Sect in Wudang. Wudang leader Zhang Zhenren warmly received everyone from the Huashan Sect. Then, the Fifth Elder and the wives of Yue Feizhong denounced the cruel behavior of the Yujiang God of War to Zhenren Zhang passionately, and expressed that they would combine the influence and appeal of the Huashan and Wudang sects to summon heroes from all over the world to stand up and resist bravely. Jade God of War!
It is worth mentioning that Tang Rouyu became the new head of the Huashan Sect. Originally, she wanted the fifth elder to stand up as a puppet, but after some thought, she decided to do it herself. Power must be firmly held in one’s own hands!
At first, Zhang Zhenren was not very interested in the so-called resistance to tyranny. But later, when the Lion Army of the Five Gods Army appeared at the foot of Wudang Mountain, and after negotiations failed, Master Zhang was forced to make a decision, and he went against it!
As for why the Lion Army appeared in Wudang Mountain? Because Tang Rouyu made the mechanical dog with the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in its mouth go around in a big circle and finally came to Wudang Mountain. At the same time, of course, she also lured the Lion God Army over.
Master He Zhang and the elders of Wudang, plus the strong men and disciples of the Huashan Sect, as well as Tang Rouyu and others, finally defeated the Lion Army and raised the flag of rebellion.
However, even if the Lion Army was defeated, Huashan and Wudang suffered heavy losses. It cost nearly two thousand people, and several elders were seriously injured!
/They had truly experienced what it was like to be a legendary demon slayer.
Then, the “Hero Post” jointly signed by the Huashan Sect and the Wudang Sect flew like locusts to all parts of the Middle-earth world
. The land of Middle-earth suddenly became turbulent.
Let’s say that Yin Kuang left the team and went to test the authenticity of the pursuers. Facing this pursuit, even Yin Kuang unconsciously became cautious. First of all, their small number is very concerning. Secondly, they saw through the smoke bombs arranged by Yin Kuang, accurately grasped the direction of Yin Kuang and others, and pursued them. All these made Yin Kuang have to let go of his contempt. He didn’t want what happened to the black-armored female general to happen again.
Soon, Yin Kuang discovered the golden light flashing