
n Huo Wenxi’s pure white soft bed, a faint fragrance floated in her nostrils. This fragrance undoubtedly came from the woman who was still working on the computer at the desk in the corner of the living room. At that time, Wang Bo found it difficult to fall asleep. The scene of naked Huo Wenxi and Yang Cheng and Xie Tingfeng, who were also naked, could not help but appear in the mind again, moving in and out, growling and suppressing their private cries. Yang Cheng and Wang Bo only heard his name but never saw him, so his image is vague, just a shriveled, skinny old man with sagging skin; while Xie Tingfeng has a plump and concrete image. The two kept rotating, but the woman was the same, and that was the beautiful Huo Wenxi.

n Huo Wenxi’s pure white soft bed, a faint fragrance floated in her nostrils. This fragrance undoubtedly came from the woman who was still working on the computer at the desk in the corner of the living room. At that time, Wang Bo found it difficult to fall asleep. The scene of naked Huo Wenxi and Yang Cheng and Xie Tingfeng, who were also naked, could not help but appear in the mind again, moving in and out, growling and suppressing their private cries. Yang Cheng and Wang Bo only heard his name but never saw him, so his image is vague, just a shriveled, skinny old man with sagging skin; while Xie Tingfeng has a plump and concrete image. The two kept rotating, but the woman was the same, and that was the beautiful Huo Wenxi.
/Thinking of Yang Cheng in Yinghuang, Wang Bo couldn’t help but be a little wary and warned himself that if he persuaded Cheng Wenjin to come to Yinghuang for an internship, he must tell Cheng Wenjin to stay away from the old pervert Yang Cheng. This old guy is famous as a lustful ghost. According to some gossips on the Internet in a previous life, all the pretty female artists in his company were fucked by him. And it’s also a very heavy taste. For example, Rong Zuyi and her mother were said to have been forced into the same bed by this old pervert to have 3/p sex together! Cheng Wenjin’s style and charm, which Wang Bo had experienced before, surpassed many big stars today. If Yang Cheng, an old pervert with unique tastes, was interested in him, some trouble would inevitably arise.
“It seems that just in case, it’s best to say hello to Young Master Li and ask him to send a car to take Cheng Wenjin to Yinghuang. With Young Master Li’s endorsement, even if that old pervert Yang Cheng gets arrested With a cat’s heart, I wouldn’t dare to mess around for a while.” In the darkness, Wang Bo began to think about the safety of his mother-in-law when she came to Hong Kong. Regarding matters between men and women, he has never been afraid to speculate on other men with the most malicious intentions.
With a little worry about his mother-in-law and the private life of Huo Wenxi, a sister with a different surname, Wang Bo gradually fell into sleep.
ps: It’s the last few days, please
At the airport, he was greeted by Tian Xin, the number one general in the rice noodle shop. Wang Bo originally planned to take the bus back to Sifang, but Tian Xin insisted on driving to Shuangliu Airport to pick him up. Wang Bo said a few words of evasion and then agreed.
Sitting in the passenger seat, the two began to drive in all directions. Tian Xin asked Wang Bo how Hong Kong was and what the home of the richest man in Asia was like. Wang Bo then began to tell Tian Xin what he had seen and heard in the past two days. When Tian Xin heard that the servants in Li Kai’s house were all “foreigners” who could speak four languages, Tian Xin’s mouth immediately grew wide.
“Even the servants can speak four languages? Isn’t this incredible?” Tian Xin, who was sitting in the driver’s sea