
d stabbed left and right. Anyone who stood in front of him was killed with one shot. No one could block Zhao Yun’s blow. But even so, the tiger and leopard cavalry assigned by Cao Chun, as well as other spearmen, sword and shield soldiers, and archers also rushed towards Zhao Yun. A barrier of flesh and blood was used to block Zhao Yun.

d stabbed left and right. Anyone who stood in front of him was killed with one shot. No one could block Zhao Yun’s blow. But even so, the tiger and leopard cavalry assigned by Cao Chun, as well as other spearmen, sword and shield soldiers, and archers also rushed towards Zhao Yun. A barrier of flesh and blood was used to block Zhao Yun.
Tang Rouyu, Qian Qianqian and others had no choice but to surrender. Apart from dying, this is the only thing they can do. Tang Rouyu and Qian Qianqian believed that even if they were caught, they would at most be scolded by Cao Cao, but their lives would be safe. As for Madam Mi’s original nine guards, they had already been overwhelmed by the sea of ??people, and not even a single body was left behind.
/The rising flames reflected Cao Chun’s ferocious face. He took one last look at the collapsed house, shook his head slightly, then turned around suddenly and shouted: “Tie all these people up and present them to the prime minister!” Cao Chun did not dare to stay here anymore. . Because that crazy Zhao Yun is approaching here step by step. Although Cao Chun relied on his superior martial arts skills, he was also self-aware. He knew very well that with his own martial arts, he would definitely not be able to defeat Zhao Yun. The gun hole on the left shoulder is the best proof.
The well-disciplined Tiger and Leopard Cavalry resolutely carried out Cao Chun’s orders and did not mess with Tang Rouyu and other beauties.
However, just when Cao Chun was about to rein in his horse and turn over, his ears suddenly twitched and he stopped the horse again. His sharp eyes like an eagle stared at the ruins wrapped in flames, and at the same time he raised his hand to show silence.
After a brief period of silence, a beam burning with flames suddenly flew out of the collapsed building, whirring, and flew straight towards Cao Chun. When Cao Chun saw it, he immediately jumped off his horse decisively. And as he landed, the flaming beam hit his mount, knocking his mount to the ground, whining and fainting.
Then, a silver line flew out of the flames and flew towards Cao Chun accurately.
Cao Chun sneered, saw the six-foot-long sword, and knocked the silver line to the ground. The Tang Dao that turned into silver thread also broke into two pieces. But the next moment, two silver threads flew out of the flames again. At the same time, following the two silver lines, a dark figure was closely attached, breaking through the flames and rushing towards Cao Chun quickly.
“It’s Yin Kuang!”
Tang Rouyu breathed a sigh of relief and thought in her heart: “I knew this guy wouldn’t die so easily. In this case, I won’t be idle. Humph! Dare you tie me up? My aunt will let you try it! “Finally, a sneer flashed across his face, and three wax pills suddenly appeared in his slender hands that were tied behind his back. She just shook her hand, and the three wax balls flew in three directions. After landing, the wax ball melted when it encountered fire, and a pool of dark liquid flowed out. Once burned by the