
uralized Menge warriors to the current leaders of the ‘Tudenan’ tribe warriors, Tumu, who walked close to the giant insect, could only talk to him. Tugla was kneeling on the ground side by side, chanting, “Great Remodeler, thank you for your magnanimity…” “

uralized Menge warriors to the current leaders of the ‘Tudenan’ tribe warriors, Tumu, who walked close to the giant insect, could only talk to him. Tugla was kneeling on the ground side by side, chanting, “Great Remodeler, thank you for your magnanimity…” ”
/Okay, now is not the time to celebrate the success of ‘spoils’.” Looking down at the tiny indigenous figure on the dirt, Zhang Lisheng He frowned and pointed at the young native kneeling behind Tumu, “Tumu, is this the scout you found?”
“Yes, the Remodeler, Duba is the best scout in the tribe, with a heart Brave and resolute heart.”
“Great Reshaper, Tudenan’s living faith, your devout slave Duba is here to serve you.” As soon as the Tudenan warrior leader finished speaking, the young native knelt forward and kissed He followed Zhang Lisheng’s footprints on the mud and said with a slightly trembling voice.
/“Very good. Climb onto the back of the ‘Insect Car’ and we’ll set off.”
“As you command.” Duba got up from the ground and quickly climbed onto the witch insect’s back.
Originally, he wanted to carefully maintain the balance of his body, but when he was riding a buggy that suddenly held up six slender limbs and swayed out of the valley, he realized that he had been firmly attached to it. On the giant insect’s carapace.
There was no light at all in the dense forest outside Tudenan tribe, and only the roars of wild beasts that became increasingly faster and louder echoed.
“Duba, come here and show me the way. Let’s go to the Menge swamp.” Zhang Lisheng drove the witch insect to climb up the giant tree in the jungle and slowly move toward the east on the canopy.
“Yes, the Remodeler.” Duba, who had never experienced riding a huge monster insect on the top of a dangerous and terrifying jungle in his life, slowly stood up on the insect’s back carefully and in surprise, dodging several fallen bodies. The corpse puppet, whose whole body was firmly sucked on the witch insect’s carapace, came to Zhang Lisheng’s side.
After sitting down on his knees, he pointed out the direction of the ‘Menge’ with the help of the rising stars in the sky. At this moment, the beast tide suddenly broke out, and countless beasts began to run wildly for no reason.
Zhang Lisheng drove the ‘Insect Car’ to use its six long limbs covered with suckers to perform acrobatics, dodging the impact of the herd. “Finally here.” His eyes kept looking around.
High above, thousands of ferocious beasts flashed past the young man’s eyes. Finally, one relied on its thick armor and brute strength to charge head-on, breaking dozens of big trees along the way and trampling many small beasts into pieces. The meaty giant rhinoceros made his eyes light up.
“That’s it. It’s big enough, powerful enough, and looks wild…” Zhang Lisheng nodded to himself, and then saw a thin and ugly strange bee slowly taking off from his side, facing the whistling The night wind grew stronger rapidly, and soon caught up with the running giant rhinoceros, and ferociously stung its tail with a giant thorn nearly