
key personnel from the industrial, commercial, cultural, public security and other departments. , rushed to squat outside a village adjacent to the border between Qingzhou and Lingyang, and then called the Anti-Pornography and Anti-Illegal Affairs Office of Lingyang City. After emergency coordination, Zuo Jing personally ordered the Lingyang Anti-Pornography and Anti-Illegal Affairs Office to actively cooperate with Qingzhou’s work.

key personnel from the industrial, commercial, cultural, public security and other departments. , rushed to squat outside a village adjacent to the border between Qingzhou and Lingyang, and then called the Anti-Pornography and Anti-Illegal Affairs Office of Lingyang City. After emergency coordination, Zuo Jing personally ordered the Lingyang Anti-Pornography and Anti-Illegal Affairs Office to actively cooperate with Qingzhou’s work.
Multiple departments from the two places launched a joint operation and found a hidden printing and binding factory in the village. It looks unremarkable from the outside, but when you enter the factory, you are immediately surprised. Three Heidelberg large-format four-color printing presses with first-class performance are constantly processing. The huge roar is deafening. Dozens of workers work overnight to bind. , the mountains of “China Can Say No” are staring at the law enforcement officers swarming in, seeming to mock you for coming so early.
The operation ended successfully at three o’clock in the morning. A total of 600,000 pirated books, three brand-new Heidelberg printing machines, ten Dongfeng trucks were seized, and seven arrests were made. The total amount involved was more than 9 million yuan (80% of the printing presses were New, the price is about 2 million per unit), and the results are fruitful.
Buddha was awakened from his sleep by the ringing of the phone on the bedside. A moment later, the landline phone fell to pieces!
/Immediately afterwards, Xu Fuyan’s personal phone rang all night.
Wen Liang stayed up all night. After receiving Liu Tianlai’s call, he immediately called Ning Xi. He knew that Guanshan’s counterattack would be swift and violent this time, and detaining Curly Hair and others was nothing more than a trivial matter. Anyway, Qingpi’s entry into the bureau was almost the same as going home for a trip, and it would make no difference if he stayed for a few days and went out; he searched the Xinhua Bookstore Three hundred thousand copies of pirated books are not worth mentioning. The books are sold and the money is received. If anything happens, it is your own problem. The pirate is not an insurance company and will not be responsible for your whole life.
Only the sealing of Lingyang’s printing house touched the bottom line of Lord Fo. When Lord Fo was angry, blood would only spatter five steps, but if the young master behind him also got angry, Xu Fuyan might not be able to withstand it.
Therefore, Wen Liang is prepared for a rainy day. Whether he can win this round depends on who can race against time and seize the fleeting opportunity!
Xu Fuyan was overwhelmed by the intercession from all levels, and he almost didn’t sleep well all night. He really didn’t know who was standing behind Buddha, or there were only a few people in Jiangdong who knew this. If Ning Xi’s identity hadn’t been different, she wouldn’t have been able to figure out the relationship between Buddha and that person in such a short period of time.
So Lin Liwen came to as