
d, and they will no longer have the obligation to serve the federal freedom. Therefore, Zhang Lisheng was relieved soon after returning to “New Washington”, and he had nothing to do again and had already changed his name. Seclusion for the experimental oasis of ‘h’ (Hope Farm).

d, and they will no longer have the obligation to serve the federal freedom. Therefore, Zhang Lisheng was relieved soon after returning to “New Washington”, and he had nothing to do again and had already changed his name. Seclusion for the experimental oasis of ‘h’ (Hope Farm).
In the next few months, after several rounds of lengthy negotiations with Wu Li, Milician finally established an alliance with Atlantis despite the huge pressure. In return, the material support from other worlds rapidly improved. The living conditions of federal citizens within the New York metropolitan area of ??Earth have had a positive radiating impact on the entire east coast of the federation.
Under this kind of positive interaction, although the United States had all kinds of doubts and scruples, its recognition of the Wu-Li people had to increase steadily. First, they established embassies in each other’s country and began regular diplomatic consultations; then they carried out non-inclusive negotiations. A package of cooperation plans, including in the military field, began to export worthless electronic products and audio-visual products to the natives of other worlds who lacked spiritual food, and imported massive amounts of precious and scarce metals, high-yielding crop seeds, and weird carnivores from them; finally As exchanges became closer and closer, they actually opened their borders to each other at the civil level, imitating the model of the Federation and Canada in peacetime. Of course, the territory opened by the Federation did not include the world of Noah, and Wu Li only opened the territory that was said to be relatively safe. The seventy-six islands in the north cover a total of approximately 2.7 million square kilometers of land.
After various measures were implemented, the Wu Li people in the other world miraculously became the most harmonious and friendly allies of Millikin within half a year.
The short, ugly natives seemed to have suddenly turned into the Atlanteans who first landed on the earth and were in the honeymoon period with America. They became the new darlings of the people. That ferocious image was alienated into SS (Dungeons and Dragons). The fantasy characters in it are as cute as the dwarfs, and there are even cartoons, movies, soap operas and dolls based on them.
/The long river of time continues to flow in the increasingly bizarre but ‘realistic’ reality, and in the blink of an eye it is the end of the year.
In December, although the climate change in the desert of Noah’s World is not obvious, many people still habitually change into autumn and winter clothes at night, excitedly waiting for the most important festival of the year for Westerners, Christmas. ‘s arrival.
Chapter 653 ‘Big Event’
After more than 200 days of development with abundant manpower and material resources, the oasis originally used by LS Group for experimental purposes has been transformed into a vast area that requires driving from south to north and from east to west. It takes an hour or two to see the sprawling