
this time, the young man has already strode into the big bark house where the tribal history is enshrined. In front of the altar, I picked up the three-page Wu Li History Book.

this time, the young man has already strode into the big bark house where the tribal history is enshrined. In front of the altar, I picked up the three-page Wu Li History Book.
I opened the thick cover of the “Historical Book” and looked at the figure in the book who looked exactly like me, looked, dressed, acted, sat and stood, and was covered in cyan. The scaly humanoid monster, the young man murmured: “More than nine million Hellfire natives have gathered on the totem pole the power of faith accumulated through nearly 300 days of prayer and praise.
By triggering them all as a backing, I can withstand any powerful mental infringement and confusion. I want to see what tricks the Atlanteans are playing. ”
As he spoke, Zhang Lisheng walked out of the tree house and strode to the totem pole that reached into the sky. He reached out and touched the long and twisted body carved with dark patterns on the thick stone pillar. It circled around the totem, with a human head and a snake body with a blurred face. A monster, a conceited smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he lowered his head and opened the history of Wu and Li again.
Staring at his own image on the page, the young man felt dizzy in front of his eyes, and the bark book in his hand burst out with bright light like stars, slowly Suspended in the sky, at the same time, all the totem poles in Wuli’s ancestral land and the outer islands were ignited with raging flames, condensing the power of faith of nearly ten million Hellfire natives into the tribal conquerors.
Feeling unprecedentedly powerful, Abundant power of faith was poured into his soul, and his ears listened to the subtle voices of countless prayers and songs, “Great conqueror, you are Wu Li’s living faith and the only god walking in the tribe…”; “Great conqueror, your believers offer you the most sincere prayers, and I would like to praise your glory forever…”; “Great conqueror, your divine name will one day shake the flame islands, your enemies All of them will eventually fall at your feet…” Zhang Lisheng felt his brows begin to heat up, so he seized the moment when his spirit was about to become trance-like and pressed everyone’s ‘recorder’ on their foreheads.
/Suddenly, a brilliant starry sky appeared in Zhang Lisheng’s mind.
The stars were shining beautifully in the night sky. Feeling the immersive beauty, Zhang Lisheng, who was beginning to lose his mind, felt hesitant and trembling again in his heart, but with the The difference last time was that with the support of the power of faith gathered by the eighteen totem poles of Wuli, he did not have the rebellious fear in the helicopter that he wanted to destroy everything around him.
A few seconds later, the beautiful sea of ????stars appeared in Zhang Lisheng His eyes slowly stretched, and in the vast and dark universe, a blurry figure the size of a broad bean, slowly swimming, appeared in his field of vision.
Soon the figure became larger and clearer, and at the same time, the young man Unknowingly, his heart began