
refugees and prevents people from entering Lei Valley. Then Lei Valley can naturally kill the cultivators who come to seek refuge and prevent them from being used by Naxian Hall.

refugees and prevents people from entering Lei Valley. Then Lei Valley can naturally kill the cultivators who come to seek refuge and prevent them from being used by Naxian Hall.
Unexpectedly, as soon as his order was sent out, someone came to the door and said, “I’ve seen Mr. Liu.”
The general manager’s surname was also Zhao, and his name was the standard servant name – Zhao Liu.
The person who came was the commander of the inner guard of Prince Jing’s Mansion. He was from the Liang family of Prince Jing’s mother’s family. He was a few years younger than Prince Jing and had won the trust of Prince Jing.
The current princess has a good relationship with Commander Liang – strictly speaking, she intends to win over him.
The princess is not only able to charm King Jing, she will curry favor with people she thinks are useful. The reason why she does not curry favor with the chief steward is that he is too old and has no real power, and the second reason is that he has a good relationship with the late princess. Relationship.
However, although Commander Liang was proud of himself in front of King Jing, he did not dare to offend the old servant of the palace in front of him too much.
The general manager nodded, “I don’t know what the purpose of Commander Liang is for coming here?”
“The prince already knows about the Naxian Hall,” Commander Liang said calmly, “Please let me come as soon as possible. I have also heard about the order you just gave, and I feel that it is not appropriate.” For
The two cultivators who came out were kept in the dark. Their mission was to deliver messages. Although they had vaguely heard that the area near the Naxian Hall had not been very peaceful recently, they were also informed when they were traveling that there would be It’s not very flat, so be careful.
/chief manager glanced sideways and said, Zhao Wufu was found not far away, with a sarcastic smile on his face.
For a moment, he felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart. He was really a villain who only knew how to flatter.
However, he was too lazy to worry about this. “What does the crown prince mean?”
Commander Liang understood the meaning of this sentence very well. He replied calmly, “I am here to capture those thieves who are causing trouble, and I will not interfere with Naxian.” The operation of the museum.”
“Okay then,” the chief manager nodded and spoke expressionlessly, “how do you need my cooperation?”
“You don’t need your cooperation, Master Six,” a smile appeared on Commander Liang’s lips. “Just keep everything as usual, don’t talk about the people in the palace,
just pretend that you don’t know.” This was originally what the chief manager said yesterday. He didn’t want to think about whether the other party was here to slap him in the face. He just wouldn’t agree with it. A way, “Why? It must have been done by people from Lei Gu. It’s not particularly appropriate to stimulate Xuannv Palace at this time.” ”
The words of the chief manager are wrong,” Zhao Wufu walked over as he spoke. “T