
folded the paper and put it in his pocket, patted his chest, and said to Buffett: “I believe in your character, sir. This is an acquisition that will earn tens of billions of dollars in the future, and ABC TV Station will have a huge market value.” “Rise.”

folded the paper and put it in his pocket, patted his chest, and said to Buffett: “I believe in your character, sir. This is an acquisition that will earn tens of billions of dollars in the future, and ABC TV Station will have a huge market value.” “Rise.”
Buffett was frightened when he heard this number.
He was no longer in the mood to eat, so he leaned forward and listened to Han Xuan’s ideas for variety shows and TV series.
/The discussion lasted until 6 p.m. and ended when customers who had made reservations came to the restaurant.
When they went out, an old man and a young man were extremely enthusiastic about each other under the surprised eyes of everyone. They made an appointment to go to Pebble Beach to play golf, and then they got in the car and set off.
The stretched Cadillac faced the street lights and drove towards Bryant Park. The Victoria’s Secret Angels’ catwalk show was about to begin tonight.
It was not completely dark.
Several helicopters flew into the sky and began to drop black “cannonballs” into the low clouds.
If it weren’t for the clouds blocking it, many people would be frightened. New York has never been bombed by planes since the city was founded. Today, it was bombed by snow bombs.
At an altitude of more than 20 degrees below zero, the helicopter door opened, and people in thick clothes dropped a cannonball and looked out.
When the distance is almost there, press the button in your hand, and a large cloud of white mist disperses.
In winter, you can often see large chunks of clouds, but there are no snowflakes falling down.
That’s because the snow crystals that make up these clouds are too small to overcome the buoyancy of the air and have poor precipitation capabilities.
The purpose of snow bombs is to put dry ice into these water-bearing clouds.
This causes water vapor, water droplets and small snow crystals to condense next to the carbon dioxide crystals contained in the air soon after the dry ice is released, turning into large snowflakes and falling down.
When Han Xuan got out of the car, he heard the noise of a helicopter, looked up at the sky, and laughed proudly.
This was originally something that only God could do, but with the development of technology, it can now be easily achieved.
She wanted to wait a little longer for the snow to fall. Anya, who had been bored all afternoon and looked sleepy, walked to the tent while listening to herself and Mr. Buffett talking.
Before that, VICTORIA’S SECRET’s annual special catwalk show was already very attractive. people.
However, like other underwear companies, it is just an ordinary underwear conference, not too special.
Two days ago, reporters from the entertainment pages of major newspapers received Whoops The invitation letter was sent by the company, and I almost didn’t remember where this company came from.
Later I remembered Mrs. Han from SOS Group, who seemed to be the founder of this company, and Victoria’s Secret had just been acquired by her.
I learned that this company broadcast a mo