
d it with his hand. Chip. Then he suddenly raised the scissors and pointed it at his palm and stabbed it hard. The scissors pierced the old man’s palm, but he did not move at all. The blood flowing out of his palm stained the paper on the ground red. Then a strange light erupted, which emitted an unusual red light.

d it with his hand. Chip. Then he suddenly raised the scissors and pointed it at his palm and stabbed it hard. The scissors pierced the old man’s palm, but he did not move at all. The blood flowing out of his palm stained the paper on the ground red. Then a strange light erupted, which emitted an unusual red light.
/The old man started mumbling some words that I couldn’t understand. It must be Japanese. At that time, my Japanese level was at the level of “Bagya Road”.
The red light emitted by the paper became brighter and brighter. A strong breath hit my face, and the strong wind almost knocked down several trees around me. The awning was rolled up in its entirety, and sand and rocks flew across the ground. The sky was filled with dark clouds, and this night was destined to be anything but peaceful.
After reciting the mantra, the old man breathed heavily, as if he was in great pain even if he didn’t take a breath. His face was extremely pale, and he said coldly: “It’s coming, everything will end, and your life and mine will soon come to an end.”
I stood in the strong wind, with red air protecting my left and right sides.
A huge figure appeared behind the old man. The background was the dark night sky, like the outline of a mountain. I estimated that it must be three or four meters high.
I understand the Japanese phrase
“Kaokesi” , it should mean to kill me. The monster came out of the darkness. Its body was not as real as the previous shikigami, but its power exploded exponentially.
I punched him violently, and the fist alone was bigger than my head.
Time seemed to flow very slowly at this moment. I took a step back gently, then turned my palm over, and the Tushan knife fell into my palm. I turned sideways, and the knife accurately struck the monster’s wrist, tearing it apart. A long wound opened.
The vast cry of pain shook the whole sky. I walked to the right, very fast, and went around the back of the shikigami. I jumped up suddenly and raised my arms high. At this height, the mountain sword could be inserted into the shikigami’s chest. back.
The blade flashed, and the sharp edge penetrated the monster’s back. The blessed divine light and my own chaotic Qi were stuck back and forth. My body rose slightly in the air, and then I slashed down hard!
With one strike of the sword, the shikigami is destroyed!
A page of paper, broken in half.
The huge black shadow turned into dust, and the torn piece of paper fell from the air.
The strong wind hit his face, and all he could see in his bloody eyes was the old man with bloodstained hands.
/He took a few steps back, and I rushed forward quickly. The distance between the two people became closer and closer.
He raised the scissors in his hand and came straight towards me, with despair, like a strong man about to fall to his death.
The scissors passed by my ear, but the Tushan knife in my hand pierced his chest. The old man leaned on my chest, his body was weak, and he let go of the scissors and grabbed my a