
olan Mengqi on the ground. He didn’t even bother to take a look. He turned to look at the alchemy workshop and found that it had been overwhelmed by countless alchemy puppets.

olan Mengqi on the ground. He didn’t even bother to take a look. He turned to look at the alchemy workshop and found that it had been overwhelmed by countless alchemy puppets.
Puppet Plane
The moment the furnace exploded and the plane road appeared, he immediately realized that the place that the plane road led to was the puppet plane!
The current era is only the beginning of plane reproduction. The known planes are probably less than one-tenth of the peak era of magic, and the Puppet Plane is also an undiscovered plane.
When the name Puppet Plane really spread throughout the world of Northrend, it was about three thousand years later. A heaven-level mage discovered the coordinates of the Puppet Plane and entered it.
But then, the heaven-level mage discovered that the Puppet Plane was a An extremely scary place, with endless alchemy puppets, tireless and fearless of death. Even the most powerful mage will have to run out of magic when dealing with countless alchemy puppets. That heaven-level mage came out of the puppet plane. After that, he talked about his experience in the puppet plane
. It was not until the peak era of magic that several top forces in the Northrend world united and spent a huge price to conquer the puppet plane. In a sense, The danger of the puppet plane is no less than that of the undead plane, but the wealth it contains cannot be underestimated.
The puppet plane is undoubtedly a holy land for puppet alchemists, and there are endless alchemy puppets there. After conquering the puppet plane, several major forces sent a large number of alchemists into the puppet plane. Decades later, several major forces had the most powerful puppet army in the world of Northrend.
Lin Yun was a little surprised. How could the Plane Road of the Puppet Plane appear in the alchemy workshop of the Magic Tower? Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but feel a little bit in my heart. Could it be that Luo Ning, the king of Caucasus, discovered the puppet plane as early as a thousand years ago?
/The plane path in the alchemy workshop was most likely opened up by Luo Ning.
This is really unbelievable
. In fact, while running towards the passage, Lin Yun recorded the coordinates of the puppet plane in the Book of Death. He planned to go there when he had time in the future.
“Then what is that?” ”
/Dalson and the others were panting heavily at the entrance of the passage. It was obvious that the rapid running just now was too much for them. They rushed to the entrance of the passage and only after confirming that it was safe did they have the time to turn back.
When they turned around, they were almost frightened to death. Wherever they looked, they saw densely packed alchemy puppets, too many to count. The nearly a thousand alchemy puppets they met when they first came to the tenth floor were different from what they are now. Compared with the others, it is simply a drop in the bucket and not worth mentioning.
From the huge alchemy workshop, which is filled with alchemy puppets, we can see how terrify