
r of Holy Light in Nok’s body has also exceeded the limit of what he can control now. Countless The power of holy light bloomed from his body, and the dazzling holy light pierced Nok’s body.

r of Holy Light in Nok’s body has also exceeded the limit of what he can control now. Countless The power of holy light bloomed from his body, and the dazzling holy light pierced Nok’s body.
His eyes turned into two beams of light that were so thick that they shot into the sky, and then his whole person turned into a ball of dazzling light that could not be looked directly at.
The power of the holy light spread, and hundreds of kilometers turned into a world without any shadow. Every place seemed to have turned into a world with only white light.
An unlucky necromancer happened to be in this range, and his body was instantly purified by the power of the holy light. The black-gray earth was purified by the holy light. The bones of the undead accumulated on the earth turned into ashes, and the power of death was forcibly expelled. These bones Ashes become the most fertile fertilizer.
Darkness was dispelled, death was expelled, and within hundreds of kilometers, the earth returned to its original appearance. Under the earth, fresh and tender grass grew out from under the black and yellow soil, and then grew rapidly to the most mature state. state, then withered and decayed again, and the seeds scattered to the earth again, and more grass grew again.
In a few seconds, patches of green appeared on the land within a hundred kilometers of the fortress, and then these emerald green colors spread like an unstoppable plague, turning the land within a hundred kilometers into a fertile grassland.
It is full of life and has no smell of death. It seems that this is the former Leviathan plane, the most fertile Mesopotamia plain in the Leviathan plane.
The holy light slowly dissipated, and those who had been seriously injured before recovered from their injuries. The degree of infection of those infected by the plague seemed to be weakened.
/Each mage looked at his hands blankly, looked at everything around him, and then saw the broken fortress and the seemingly endless grassland outside, full of life and without any breath of death.
Everyone was stunned and couldn’t understand what was going on. In the center, Lin Yun stood there with a calm expression. On Lin Yun’s shoulders, Master Xiaon looked amazed.
“What a rare scene. A seventh-level holy light mage has the life force and the power of holy light in his body escaping at once. This power is definitely comparable to a tenth-level magic life resuscitation.”
Lin Yun There is also some wonder. Among the branches of the light rule, only the power of the Holy Light is the purest. At the beginning, they were all healing spells and gain spells, none of which had destructive power. This kind of explosion has no destructive power at all.
Forcibly dispersed all the power of death and darkness within a range of hundreds of kilometers, allowing the land within a range of hundreds of kilometers to revive and become vibrant again. It even cured the injuries of everyone here, weakening the spread of the plague, and many people were infected. The plague has not been comple