
, and Fatty and Yuan Feng were excluded. The first thing I thought about was the former Riyurou. This kid is considered mine after all. I helped him get so much limelight last time, so he should repay me this time. The next thing that comes to mind is Team Zero. If I ask them for help in a private capacity, even if Ying Long doesn’t come, it would be good to have Ying Yu and two children. As Qing Niu and Shang Yang grew older, their talents became stronger and stronger. Now the power of the strong wind created by the two of them together is difficult to estimate. The next thing I thought of was the Ling family, but then I suppressed this thought. Lingqian was not going to be easy either. The Ling family had just recovered a little strength and was still relying on the Haotian family. I couldn’t drag her into the water.

, and Fatty and Yuan Feng were excluded. The first thing I thought about was the former Riyurou. This kid is considered mine after all. I helped him get so much limelight last time, so he should repay me this time. The next thing that comes to mind is Team Zero. If I ask them for help in a private capacity, even if Ying Long doesn’t come, it would be good to have Ying Yu and two children. As Qing Niu and Shang Yang grew older, their talents became stronger and stronger. Now the power of the strong wind created by the two of them together is difficult to estimate. The next thing I thought of was the Ling family, but then I suppressed this thought. Lingqian was not going to be easy either. The Ling family had just recovered a little strength and was still relying on the Haotian family. I couldn’t drag her into the water.
The biggest backer is naturally Mr. Xu, but it’s not time to ask him for help yet.
I took the people back to the stronghold, and after making proper arrangements, I called the former Li Yulang, but the house leaked and it rained all night! This kid actually went back to Japan last month. He must have obtained a powerful shikigami and wanted to go back and show off. Good thing now, my helper is gone! I had to consider a backup plan, but at this moment, someone showed up uninvited.
On the afternoon of the next day, a small car parked far away from the stronghold. After the earth beast called the police, I immediately checked and saw a man walking towards here carrying a bag. When I looked carefully, the person who came was actually Han. senior!
We were separated for many years, and I didn’t even have time to see him when I returned to Shanghai. But I didn’t expect that he would come to me on his own initiative, and it seemed that he wanted to stay in my stronghold for a few days. Although I couldn’t tell his intention, This seems like good news to me!
Compared to previous years, Senior Han looked a bit older at this time, with a dark aura lingering between his brows. In the past, maybe it was because of my low moral standards that I couldn’t see through Senior Han, but today I seem to see something wrong.
“Senior, I haven’t seen you for several years.” I said with a smile.
/He looked at me and said, “Yes, you have been silent for several years. I thought you were a kid!”
“Haha, how can you not? Senior, are you here to help me?” I asked with a smile.
/“I can’t say it’s a help, but it’s true that I can help you. Why don’t you invite me to come in and sit down?”
Senior Han was invited into the room and he placed the package in the shadow of the corner. He seemed to have whispered a few words when he put down his backpack. I didn’t hear him clearly, but I just saw his lips move a few times.
“Senior, who are you talking to?” I asked strangely.
“It’s okay.” He turned around and sat at the edge of the table. I poured him a glass of water and said embarrassedly: “I’m sorry, there is no tea here.”
“It’s okay, let’s get down to business. You and the Haotian family are going to take acti