
entertainment venues. Under the lights at the door, there are groups of gangster-looking people with shaved heads and cigarettes in their mouths. Loose and fluffy army green pants, black leather shoes with large leather straps, all of which require laces. The leather jacket is open, revealing the white vest underneath. Occasionally when he meets a single girl, he will whistle provocatively. , and when the girl hurried away with a panicked expression, a group of people burst out laughing, arrogantly. These cockroaches at night in Qingzhou have taken root in the lives of ordinary people with extremely powerful vitality. You can ignore them or despise them, but what you cannot deny is that no matter in the past, present or future, cockroaches will always be there. exist.

entertainment venues. Under the lights at the door, there are groups of gangster-looking people with shaved heads and cigarettes in their mouths. Loose and fluffy army green pants, black leather shoes with large leather straps, all of which require laces. The leather jacket is open, revealing the white vest underneath. Occasionally when he meets a single girl, he will whistle provocatively. , and when the girl hurried away with a panicked expression, a group of people burst out laughing, arrogantly. These cockroaches at night in Qingzhou have taken root in the lives of ordinary people with extremely powerful vitality. You can ignore them or despise them, but what you cannot deny is that no matter in the past, present or future, cockroaches will always be there. exist.
The red light turned on and the bus stopped at an intersection. Among the only passengers on the bus, a middle-aged man in his forties shouted: “Master, let’s go. There are no buses here. It’s late at night.” Why are you waiting for a red light?” In 1995, there were no electronic eyes all over the world, and whether you could run through a red light at night depended on your personal qualities.
The driver was a female driver and she didn’t bother to talk to him. The middle-aged man muttered angrily and said nothing. Wen Liang looked out the window boredly, and suddenly found a girl blocked by four or five gangsters in front of a game arcade about ten meters away from the roadside. The girl lowered her head and dodged left and right, trying to leave, but failed. .
Wen Liang sighed in his heart, whose girl is so unlucky? I opened the window and stuck my head out to shout that the police were coming, but the girl happened to raise her head. Through the light at the entrance of the game hall, Wen Liang saw the girl’s face clearly, and immediately cursed, turned around and shouted: “Master, open the door, I have something urgent to get out of the car.” The
female master was still determined, if she had If she said it, Wen Liang would curse her for having sore balls every day. Little Shota received the same treatment as the uncle just now, and felt helpless. Seeing that the situation was not good, Wen Liang no longer hesitated, bent down and stepped on the window, and jumped out.
There was a burst of exclamation in the car, and the middle-aged man opened his mouth in an O shape, thinking to himself: Young people are impulsive. Although you have to wait for a while at the red light, it is better than walking home, right? If you get off the bus halfway, will you pay for your ticket in vain? You prodigal, you have no financial sense!
The female driver saw Wen Liang’s jump in the rearview mirror, but her expression did not change at all.
Wen Liang ran into the gangster group, grabbed the girl’s hand, and shouted: “Sister, I found you, hurry up, my brother and the others are waiting in front.” This move is the best way to save people. The method is to recognize your relatives first and then bluff. A common gangster can just say a few curses.
/The g