
too much. He was upset when he cried, and shouted: “I’m not dead yet, why are you crying! Wait! I’ll check tomorrow to see what that person’s background is. Damn it, you dare to come to Yishan to bully my son and seek death!”

too much. He was upset when he cried, and shouted: “I’m not dead yet, why are you crying! Wait! I’ll check tomorrow to see what that person’s background is. Damn it, you dare to come to Yishan to bully my son and seek death!”
The phone on the table suddenly rang. Shi Daqing grabbed it and said loudly: “Hello!”
He hung up the phone. The weather was uncertain, so Shi Jie leaned over and asked, “Dad, who is it?”
Shi Daqing turned around and slapped Shi Jie, causing him to fall to the table. Shi Jie covered his face and shouted in disbelief, “Why did you hit me?”
“You little bastard, do you know that you’ve gotten into a big trouble? Damn it, I might not be able to keep my position, you bastard.” Little beast, I’ll let you cause trouble for me all day long, and I won’t be able to beat you to death!”
Wen Liang and the other two went back to their rooms after dinner. Gu Wenyuan and others left just now, so there should be an empty room. come out. But everyone seemed to have forgotten this matter. Yang Dingjun left in a hurry and did not notice the inconvenience, so by some strange combination of circumstances, they actually lived in the same room.
The three girls were still huddled together talking about what had just happened. Wen Liang came out of the bedroom and said, “Okay, don’t let those unscrupulous guys taint your and my ears. Everyone, please be quiet. We have to discuss something meaningful now.” It’s something.”
As soon as the words came out, the three women immediately shut up, but no one looked at him, and they went about their business. Xu Yao sat cross-legged on the sofa and looked around for the TV remote control. Ning Xiaoning took an orange from the fruit plate and peeled it leisurely. Ji Su was putting the melon seeds, plum blossoms and other snacks left over from the trip on the coffee table. The three of them were busy with their own affairs, and they acted as if they were as gentle as the air.
Wen Liang knew that it was getting late, and girls were a little shy at this time, but no matter how shy they were, they could not turn a young and strong man into air. Avoiding the problem was not an option. He smiled and said, “I found that the bed in the bedroom is really big. “Based on ergonomics and space theory, I think it should be able to sleep four people at the same time.”
Before I finished speaking, Orange Peel, sofa pillows, and plum bags flew over at the same time, and the clear and shy voices of the three women came to my ears. :
“No? Then let’s play rock-paper-scissors. Whoever wins gets the right to rest on the bed. Do you think this is good?”
Wen Liang sat on the armrest of the sofa, with Ning Xiaoning next to him. She rolled her eyes at him angrily, separated a piece of orange and put it into her mouth, and ran her fingertips across her cherry-red lips. Coupled with her usual cold demeanor, she actually looked a little confused. Wen Liang reached out to ask for it with a shy face. Ning Xiaoning turned around with a snort, and peeled off a piece and ha