
00 points. To more than 1,000 points, collapse and bankruptcy are just around the corner. I say good or bad, finally found a buyer willing to take over, and I won’t miss anything this time. Idg is not optimistic about the Internet, and plans to reduce its holdings. victor , while there are still people willing to take over, do it if you can. Otherwise, in two years, when the shares in your hand become useless paper, no one will want to sell it,” Li Kai advised earnestly. He had a very good impression of Wang Bo, his lifelong friend, and especially admired his superhuman talents in literature and music. Nowadays, the words “Wang Bo Wang Zi’an” are known to everyone in Xiangjiang, especially among the young people in Xiangjiang.

00 points. To more than 1,000 points, collapse and bankruptcy are just around the corner. I say good or bad, finally found a buyer willing to take over, and I won’t miss anything this time. Idg is not optimistic about the Internet, and plans to reduce its holdings. victor , while there are still people willing to take over, do it if you can. Otherwise, in two years, when the shares in your hand become useless paper, no one will want to sell it,” Li Kai advised earnestly. He had a very good impression of Wang Bo, his lifelong friend, and especially admired his superhuman talents in literature and music. Nowadays, the words “Wang Bo Wang Zi’an” are known to everyone in Xiangjiang, especially among the young people in Xiangjiang.
The personal relationship between the two is also heating up day by day. Not long ago, Li Kai came to Shu Capital for business matters. After Wang Bo found out, he accompanied him the whole time and took Little Superman to see many places of interest in Shu Capital.
Wang Bo was extremely anxious when he saw that Li Kai seemed determined to sell his shares. He couldn’t explain this kind of thing clearly in a few words on the phone. Wang Bo asked Li Kai if he was free these two days. If he was free, he would go Visit him in Xiangjiang.
/ps:,, all
ps: The electricity in the community was out for a day. I coded this chapter in an Internet cafe. I’m so used to it.
I’ll update it today. On May 16th, Wang Bo flew directly to Hong Kong. After more than a year, he came here again. Little Superman’s mid-level mansion located in Repulse Bay, Hong Kong, “facing the sea and with spring flowers blooming”.
But this time, he had no interest in sightseeing at all. After some polite greetings, Wang Bo asked Li Kai two questions directly:
/“Richard, are you short of money now?”
“Richard, you have one more Does it make a big difference to you to have 12 million dollars or less than 1,200 dollars?”
As the son of the richest man in Asia, Li Kai is certainly not short of money. Twelve million U.S. dollars is a fortune to ordinary people. It’s a huge amount of money, but to Li Kai, it’s just a small amount of money, and this twelve million was only invested with two and a half million.
As the chairman of the board of directors of Yingke Digital, Li Kai just completed the largest investment acquisition in his history last year. He borrowed US$11 billion to acquire Hong Kong Telecom, which was originally controlled by the British, and successfully attacked the competitor Singapore Telecom. Yingke has transformed from a small-scale information technology company into Hong Kong’s largest giant providing fixed-line, wireless telephone, Internet and other comprehensive telecommunications services. Outsiders don’t know, but Wang Bo, who is Li Kai’s friend in the mainland, knows very well that in addition to the Li family’s own power, this acquisition also received behind-the-scenes support from the central government, which forced Singapore Telecom to fail. , retreated when faced with difficulties.