
ei dances on the stage.

The cheerful melody combined with the relaxed dance moves immediately surprised the audience!
Good guy!
This is actually a song full of two-dimensional style!
Including this dance, it also has a “house dance” flavor!
To know.
The choreography of top dancers has always been extremely technical.
Compositions at the level of music masters have always paid great attention to connotation.
The singing of kings and queens of singers has always been about expressing their emotions.
Three words.
A sense of luxury.
However, this stage work now abandons all the so-called sense of high-end, as if the songs, dances and even singing have only one purpose, and that is to bring relaxation and happiness to the audience!
The freshness infected all viewers!
“This song is so fun!”
“This dance is so fun!”
“Although it is very simple, it feels very healing after watching it!”
“Like this!”
“It feels like returning to nature!”
“Who says dance has to be high-end? It can be beautiful even if it’s as simple as this.”
“Teacher Weiwei, this is so awesome!”
“Otaku is in ecstasy!”
It was as if the audience was tired of eating big fish and meat and suddenly saw a bowl of vegetable and tofu soup.
The freshness is being added, and the favorability level is instantly increased!
The Chuzhou team knew that in normal competition, whether it was composing or dancing, it would be difficult for them to be an opponent of Xianyu, so they chose to take an eccentric approach. Facts have proved that their move was quite successful!
after all.
Both Chu language songs and two-dimensional culture are very popular in Blue Star. The audience of this show is mainly young people. Such a dance and such a song will certainly resonate with the audience!
five minutes later.
Chuzhou’s performance is over.
The Qinzhou team became nervous.
“Chu Zhou’s sword-playing was quite eccentric, and the audience’s emotions were aroused.”
“Reminds me of last season’s game.”
“Other people’s songs were high-end, so Xianyu released the song “The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style”, and it had a miraculous effect.”
“This is a grasp of the audience’s psychology.”
“The dances and songs in this season’s show are also very high-end. Suddenly there are simpler songs and simpler dances, coupled with careful choreography, with two-dimensional attributes and some brainwashing melodies, which gives people a special sense of joy. Pure feeling.”
“The votes for their show will not be low!”
“It’s not a big problem!”
“We have Teacher Xianyu!”
He gritted his teeth.
Team Qinzhou chose to believe in Xianyu.
/Of course, they can only choose to believe it.
Anhong on the stage has announced the curtain again, and the players of the Qinzhou team are about to take the stage.
The lights are dancing.
Three figures appeared on the stage.
Zhao Ying Chrome.
Chen Yi.
The clouds are bright.
All three are extremely familiar to the audience.
Needless to say, Zhao Yingchrome.
Chen Yi’s pole dancing performance was unforgettable for the