
. I am relieved to see that you are fine. I will prepare today. If everything goes well, the filming team will be in place in a few hours. If not, it can be tomorrow. My company never lacks cameras. Teacher, filming reality shows and variety shows is much easier than filming movies. As long as someone takes the camera and follows you, wait a moment. I will ask my assistant to arrange this matter. The TV station also needs to communicate and set aside time to broadcast your program. , these are not problems.”

. I am relieved to see that you are fine. I will prepare today. If everything goes well, the filming team will be in place in a few hours. If not, it can be tomorrow. My company never lacks cameras. Teacher, filming reality shows and variety shows is much easier than filming movies. As long as someone takes the camera and follows you, wait a moment. I will ask my assistant to arrange this matter. The TV station also needs to communicate and set aside time to broadcast your program. , these are not problems.”
“Well, you go and do your work first, I will take Anya to visit Marvel. By the way, who do you want to star in “Spider-Man”? This kind of superhero movie is different from other movies. It’s a series. Changing actors midway will definitely cause trouble. It would be bad if the audience doesn’t buy it and becomes resentful, so the contract must be strict. Also, it’s better for the actors to be younger. This is a very long series. No one wants to see an old-looking Spider-Man appear after two or three movies.”
/He had to worry that because of these small problems, the “Spider-Man” series would be ruined in the future. Superheroes are superheroes, and their image has changed. How important is it that the stereotypes in people’s minds change over and over again? Looking at the previous lives of “Iron Man”, “Captain America”, and “Thor” are all more popular than “Spider-Man”, you can see how important a fixed starring role is.
Han Xuan was very confused, because the process of filming a movie was not as cool as the movie. Most of the time, he relied on the green screen to act. He said, “I can act if I want to when the time comes. Let’s talk about it later. I can’t make up my mind now.” . I don’t know much about that actor. I’ll check out his information later. Compared with comics like “Blade” and “Men in Black”, “Spider-Man” is much more important. The salary given is pretty good. , it would be bad if you raise a white-eyed wolf. Show me the script first.” ”
/Well, I’ll ask my assistant to show it to you. You first go to Marvel to have a look at their customized Iron Man suit. Except It can’t fly. It has almost everything it should have. It cost me more than six million US dollars. The shape is really cool.”
“It has everything it should have?”
Han Xuan asked happily: “With our current technology, we can’t build it. Something similar to the ITER nuclear fusion reactor. In fact, I think it would be better to let Robert Downey Jr. play Iron Man. His appearance and bad temperament are quite suitable for the role of Iron Man, at least the Iron Man I imagined. The image is not that handsome, but a little handsome.”
The “International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) Project” was jointly funded by multiple countries last year and is currently one of the largest and most far-reaching international scientific research cooperation projects in the world. Its status is comparable to that of the Large Hadron Collider located in the mountains. The entire construction process is planned to take about