
nto the tent. However, after the initial surprise, except for a few idle people or those who were interested in strange creatures, everyone in the demonstrators turned their attention. Back to smoking, taking drugs, drinking and talking loudly.

nto the tent. However, after the initial surprise, except for a few idle people or those who were interested in strange creatures, everyone in the demonstrators turned their attention. Back to smoking, taking drugs, drinking and talking loudly.
“Finally found it…” As the commotion gradually subsided, Zhang Lisheng, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, murmured to himself, opened his eyes, stood up from the grass, and walked briskly towards the depths of the campsite.
/When passing several iron barrels burning with blazing fire outside the tent, the young man who broke through the realm of the great witch and became the Earth God changed his face from the dry and haggard appearance before, and exuded infinite vitality. He was attracted by some young people who seemed to be particularly interested in Asian men. The girl he liked fell in love with and invited him with a smile to “leave a night of beautiful memories.”
Among them was a brown-haired girl who was so drunk that she even bit her lip, coquettishly took off her thong from her skirt, grabbed it in her hand and waved it at him like a flag.
“Oh, this is really crazy. I really don’t know if this is a carnival or a demonstration…” Zhang Lisheng naturally would not accept such a temptation. His face was straightened in shock, and he hurried away muttering. , and no one bothered the girls who were trying to show their favor, except for a disappointed smile or a whispered curse.
In this way, after walking for a long time in the middle of countless tents and old cars that occupied the entire Capitol Hill and the vast land near the Washington Monument, the young man finally came to a dark green military tent the size of a small villa.
This camp, which seemed to be guarded by many short ordinary camping tents densely packed in the distance, looked very different. It was empty within a radius of tens of meters. There were two people outside the door wearing grass green military uniforms without military ranks or medals. The guard is a tall and burly man wearing field boots and holding a meter-long arm strength stick that is as thick as an adult’s arm.
Seeing Zhang Lisheng approaching, one of them, a big man with a full beard and childish features, waved the arm stick in his hand and said majesticly: “Hey man, this is Howard. Mason’s tent. If you are not the White House ‘A politician’s lackey, or a federal agent, it’s best to take a detour.
If you are, then come and taste my ‘iron rod.'”
“Howard Mason, who is that?” Zhang Lisheng seemed not to have heard the threat. As if he was deaf, he calmly walked up to the bearded man, frowned, and asked.
The bearded companion with a sinister face was obviously very dissatisfied with his timidity and growled in a low voice, “Hoxey, you coward, what are you talking about? What did
/Boss Mason order us to do? The rally speech will begin tomorrow.” , No matter what, you can’t let anyone you don’t know approach this tent today, I really feel ashamed for you…” He was about to attack Z