
in looked at the others, they were all the same, with a trace of shame on their faces. Although this group of people are cruel and extreme and live in darkness, the once huge sect only has so few people left after hundreds of years. Those who can really stay are those who have pure minds and deep feelings and beliefs for the sect. man of.

in looked at the others, they were all the same, with a trace of shame on their faces. Although this group of people are cruel and extreme and live in darkness, the once huge sect only has so few people left after hundreds of years. Those who can really stay are those who have pure minds and deep feelings and beliefs for the sect. man of.
In fact, in a sense, they are also simple people.
“No one?” Lin Xin was a little disappointed, which meant that it was basically impossible for him to have any law to follow.
Everyone’s silence was the only answer.
/Continuing to look at the Jiyang Scroll, he quickly passed over the specific practice section and took a rough glance at it. Afterwards, I understood why this sect rose rapidly but declined even faster.
It’s all because of this Extreme Yang Volume.
The method of practicing Yangji Dan in this Jiyang Scroll is undoubtedly an absolutely powerful method, but it does not have the method of practicing immortality.
All it pursues is lethality and actual combat capabilities.
Jiyang Juan is one of the four true skills of the Yanyang Sect, and is one of the two most lethal skills. It is precisely because of this that it can be passed down through successive hardships.
Lin Xin read through the entire secret scroll and found that there was not a single method that could extend life in the entire secret scroll. They all talked about how to practice Yangji Dan, improve strength, apply it, etc., but Yangji Dan had no life-extending effect.
He finally knew why the Yanyang Clan declined.
Putting away the anode roll, he picked up another roll on the plate, untied the binding tape, and slowly unfolded it.
The Jueyan Notes all record the training experiences of the predecessors of the Yanyang Sect. There is also an attack and killing swordsmanship called the Killing Swordsmanship, which specifically refers to using force to seize the opponent’s rays of life and sun fire during killing, and then burning the borrowed force. , which further enhances the speed and strength of the sword technique.
“This is the swordsmanship of killing you major in, right?” Lin Xin looked at Liu Yang.
The latter lowered his head slightly ashamed.
“Yes. The Sword of Death is easy to learn and quick to form. Although it will hurt the body, we have no better choice.”
“Vital Yang Fire” Lin Xin thought thoughtfully.
Next, he calculated the current overall situation of Yanyang Sect.
There is one person with innate nine-level strength, Liu Yang.
Two people with innate eighth-level strength, Liu Zong and Liu Yuan.
The rest are at the lowest level of the Neijia second level and the highest are at the Xiantian level 5. The difference is huge.
Liu Yang is almost sixty, and his cultivation has been accumulated. Liu Zong and Liu Yuan were both children of a poor family. They received great favor from the sect and were raised by Liu Yang. They have outstanding talents and are now only three years old. There are more than ten people, and almost the whole sect is concentrating on supportin