
atiently, because I needed to hear his answer with my own mouth, because it would determine how I should look at him from now on, whether he is a friend or an opponent, that’s it One sentence.

atiently, because I needed to hear his answer with my own mouth, because it would determine how I should look at him from now on, whether he is a friend or an opponent, that’s it One sentence.
Wang Zhexuan finally said: “I was indeed in danger at that time, and I had no choice but to ask you for help. And I know that as long as you come forward, he will definitely help. I have no other choice.”
I continued to ask: “What else do you have? Captain Fan.”
Wang Zhexuan said: “Captain Fan is in prison and I can’t contact him. Even now that he has been released from prison, I still can’t contact him. He seems to have completely disappeared now. It’s not just me. , and the same goes for everyone else.”
/I heard something fishy and asked, “Anyone else?”
Wang Zhexuan’s expression did not change, he said, “You haven’t been tracking down Team Fan’s other team. Is that okay? We are members of that other team, including you.”
I frowned and asked, “Me too?”
Wang Zhexuan said, “We can talk about this later. You haven’t answered my question yet. How did you know I’m here?”
I wanted to cover up the fact that Yan Shiyu came to find me, but suddenly I thought of a detail. It was the water glass that had been touched on my coffee table, so I frowned and immediately changed my mind. I said, “You should know, or maybe you don’t know yet, that Yan Shiyu came to see me last night. From some things she told me, , I thought of you.”
Wang Zhexuan didn’t seem to know who Yan Shiyu was, but I had no intention of explaining to her. When he saw me, he didn’t want to explain. So I said: “Why are you thinking of me?”
I said: “Actually, I just told you what the answer is. If you think deeply enough, you already know the answer.”
However, Wang Zhexuan didn’t seem to think so. I completely understood, so I had to continue: “Actually, the cause is this box of candies, and you got this box of candies for Captain Fan, which means that after Captain Fan lost power, you still obeyed him, plus What you said just now is even more certain. You have been a member of Captain Fan from beginning to end. This is the premise.
“Since Captain Fan’s accident, I have found a very interesting pattern. Even everyone who has been close to Captain Fan has been suppressed. Zhang Ziang is, you are, and I am too. However, Gan Kai, who is not deeply involved with Captain Fan, is fine at all. In fact, I have been since then. I had such doubts about why people in the same office would have different fates, especially since Gan Kai was still the deputy team leader. Logically speaking, he would not be so relaxed. It wasn’t until later that I figured it out, that is, if this was entirely because of Team Fan’s What about relationships. So many things had answers immediately, but at that time I was just confused and felt that if it was just a coincidence, it wouldn’t necessarily be the case.
“Until last night, Yan Shiyu came to me and talked about an old incident, which answered one of my doubts. Then something that had always been doubtful in my mind but cou