
d it to Klein.

Klein looked at it carefully, put the photo in his pocket, then picked up his cane, put on his hat, and followed the two people in front of him to leave the Blackthorn Security Company and enter the carriage parked downstairs.
The interior of this carriage is quite spacious, with thick carpets and a small table for placing items.
Because of the old butler Keli’s presence, neither Klein nor Leonard spoke. They quietly felt the carriage moving steadily on the waterlogged road amid the decreasing raindrops.
“Nice coachman.” After an unknown amount of time, Leonard broke the silence and praised with a smile.
“Yeah.” Klein responded perfunctorily.
The old butler Keli forced out a smile and said:
“It’s an honor for him to give you the compliment. We’re almost there.”
For fear of being detected by the kidnappers, the carriage did not approach the tobacconist Vic Rolle’s residence, but stopped at a nearby street.
The old butler Kelly held an umbrella and returned alone. While waiting, Leonard was on his own and said to Klein:
“I had no other purpose in speculating on the reason last time. I just wanted to tell you that the notebook will definitely appear again, maybe soon.”
“This is really not a pleasant inference.” Klein pointed to the coachman’s position outside with his chin, signaling not to discuss sensitive topics when others were around.
Leonard whistled and turned to look out the window, only to see drops of rain sliding across the glass, leaving hazy marks, making the world outside completely blurry.
After a while, Keli returned with a bag of things. Because he walked too fast, his trousers were full of mud and there were many wet marks on his front.
“These are the clothes little Master Elliot wore yesterday. This is the storm amulet he wore before.”
Klein took it and took a look and found that it was a miniature gentleman’s formal suit, with a small shirt, a small vest, a small bow tie, etc., etc.
The storm amulet had a bronze base and was engraved with symbols that symbolized strong winds and waves, but it did not touch Klein’s inspiration.
/“I will now tell you in detail how little Master Elliot was kidnapped, so that you can pinpoint the target.” The old butler Keli sat down and repeated the nightmare experience in the morning, hoping that the helper he finally found could play a role.
Klein and Leonard were not interested in the specific story. They were only interested in how many kidnappers there were, whether they behaved unusually, and whether they were armed.
After “Three”, “Normal” and “With Gun” got the information they wanted, they bid farewell to the old butler Keli and hired a two-wheeled light carriage nearby.
Different from public carriages, this kind of hire has four wheels or two wheels. It can be charged by kilometers or according to time. The former is 4 pence for 1 kilometer in the city, 8 pence for 1 kilometer in the countryside, and the latter is 2 sulers for 1 hour. If it is less than 1 hour, it will be charged as 1 hour. If it exceeds 1 hour, 6 pence will b