
bly cannot escape. Liangzhuang is different from us in Sihe. The former public security commissioner was a member of the township party committee. There is a precedent. “

bly cannot escape. Liangzhuang is different from us in Sihe. The former public security commissioner was a member of the township party committee. There is a precedent. ”
Deputy section level, don’t It is said that they are caught in large numbers in provinces, cities, and counties. But in towns and rural areas, deputy section-level cadres are definitely leaders, and their status is second only to the secretary, town mayor or township chief.
Sihe is not a good village full of talents, and Lianzhuang Village is not a successful village of good people. There have been few cadres who have stepped out in so many years.
A deputy section leader is about to be born, and the village cadres are elated. Not to mention relatives, they were happy and felt light on their faces.
Teacher Yan acted as the translator, and Li Xiaolei listened with great interest.
She is the center of attention tonight. She is a college student and a girl from the capital. She is so beautiful. Who in the village has seen her before? No matter how rich the Han family was, no matter how capable Han Bo was, they would still marry off, and everyone looked at her, which made her feel very embarrassed.
Sitting quietly like my little daughter-in-law, eating food in small bites, not drinking any alcohol, Xiaojia Biyu is a completely different person than she was at the Silk Hotel last night.
Although I was watched like a monkey in the zoo, I was very happy.
The eyes of relatives and friends show a bit of appreciation, a bit of envy, a bit of admiration and a bit of warmth, and they regard themselves as a very important and important person.
If the dish doesn’t suit your taste, if it doesn’t, make a new one quickly.
Girls in big cities like to be clean. They wash other people’s dishes once and their own three times. After washing, they scald them in boiling water. I don’t know how many times I’ve wiped the Eight Immortals Table, but I just barely wiped off the paint on the tabletop.
Is it uncomfortable to sit on a stool? People in big cities like to sit on sofas. There are no sofas here. Go find a cushion. Serve food from the opposite side, not from this side, otherwise your clothes will be stained with oil.
Children must keep a distance of five meters and are not allowed to come over and cause trouble.
In short, it is like a giant panda here, a national treasure!
Enjoying unprecedented courtesy, Li Xiaolei suddenly discovered that it felt good to be respected and pampered by everyone. She found that she was already the young mistress of the “Carpenter’s House”.
/A rural feast, where guests and hosts enjoy themselves.
He asked several cousins ??to send several elderly people and drunken relatives home safely, and sent away Director Chen and other police officers from the police station, as well as village cadres such as Party Secretary Wang, and the two returned to the county overnight.
After taking a shower, I lay down comfortably on the big bed.
/Staring at the chandelier above her head, thinking about everything that happe