

Han Bo paused and then continued very seriously and sincerely: “At the same time, we will guide the Chinese who do business, work and live in South Africa to integrate into the local society, encourage them to learn English and actively participate in social welfare. Invite all respected officials to inspect the Chinese community, have discussions with Chinese representatives, and while getting to know them, let them know more about South Africa’s immigration regulations.” “
Sounds good, Sanders, I think you can try it.” Federer is happy to help Han Bo and Cape Town The Immigration Bureau established a good relationship and nodded with deep understanding.
“On the issue of anti-smuggling, the importance of cooperation is self-evident. If gentlemen are willing, I can suggest to my superiors at home to issue a formal and official invitation to invite you to Beijing to meet with our major anti-smuggling leaders in China. Law enforcement agencies communicate.”
“There is no doubt that this is a good idea.” It
doesn’t matter whether there is communication or not. What is important is that you can go on a vacation, visit the legendary Great Wall, and receive the warm hospitality of Chinese officials.
Seeing the knowing smiles of the immigration officers attending the meeting, Federer clapped his hands and said while the iron was hot: “Gentlemen, before we do this, we must first find this woman and learn everything we want to know from her mouth.” The General Administration After receiving a reliable tip, she commissioned a guy in Joburg to forge a set of documents to apply for a permanent residence permit, and these supporting documents that can lead us to her will be couriered to Cape Town tomorrow.”
Case from the General Administration, Cape Town Immigration The bureau is very helpful and cooperative.
Following Federer’s order, a dozen immigration officers rushed to the target community in several vehicles at night, set up several observation points, and monitored the recip