
of the Provincial Military Region at the time. After receiving the “report from the masses”, he immediately led two security officers to Liangzhuang to see what was going on with the officer who had bewitched the veteran cadres to look for trouble. By the time he arrived, the matter had been resolved.

of the Provincial Military Region at the time. After receiving the “report from the masses”, he immediately led two security officers to Liangzhuang to see what was going on with the officer who had bewitched the veteran cadres to look for trouble. By the time he arrived, the matter had been resolved.
I forgot why I passed by him at that time and did not receive him with Lao Lu and Lao Yuan. I didn’t expect to meet him here, and I didn’t expect to be recognized by him even though I didn’t recognize him.
It’s funny to mention the process of getting to know each other.
The management of the training class is not very strict. Some students who are busy with other affairs leave after attending the opening ceremony and let their subordinates who came with them study for them.
It is rare to be promoted to deputy director at the grass-roots level when someone is around thirty years old, and it is nothing new in the government. However, in order to appear more mature, he made his hairstyle and clothes very old-fashioned, and you could tell at a glance that he was a trainee participating in the training.
Han Bo doesn’t like combing his hair back. He has been exercising over the years and is very nervous about studying and working. He looks thinner, more energetic and younger. In addition, he is used to wearing police uniforms. Many students mistakenly think that he is a student who stayed in The “substitute” here.
/While eating in the restaurant in the morning, Lin Zhanchen casually asked which unit he was from and where was your leader.
As a result, as soon as Han Bo opened his mouth, Lin Zhanchen recognized his accent and smiled when he announced his name. It turned out that he was from his hometown, and he was a cadre promoted by the old secretary. He was the famous “Han Biao” in his hometown of Liangzhuang.
But no one can laugh now. Director Zhao really asked someone to go to Liangzhuang to extract Lao Lu’s bone marrow. It’s been two days. I called in the morning and said the test results would be out at noon.
How dyeing your hair can give you cancer!
Lin Zhanchen not only respected the old secretary, but was also very grateful to him. If the old secretary hadn’t been mobilized to stay in the army and serve overtime, he would have never had the chance to make meritorious service or be sent to the military academy. He would have returned to his hometown in Liangzhuang to farm long ago. Knowing this news, I feel very sad.
“Xiao Han, have you told anyone else? Do the county leaders know?”
“I didn’t tell the county leaders. Now only Secretary Jiao, Chairman Ma, me, my wife, you, Section Chief Lu, Director Zhao, Lu Hui and Captain Chu know. At first, I actually thought he was saving face and was afraid of being laughed at. Until now. Only then did I realize that his illness really needs to be kept secret, and it must not be made known to everyone.”
Lin Zhanchen reacted suddenly and asked: “At least Liangzhuang’s foundation is operating well and does not have so many bad debts. Foundation