
of ghost is this? Sun Li stopped dancing and danced alone? It’s not a big deal for a person. One of Wang Bo’s main life philosophies after rebirth is experience and breakthroughs, to experience things he never experienced in his previous life, and to break through things he couldn’t break through in his previous life. For example, in his previous life, he often imagined how great it would be if he could become the singers and dancers who stood on the stage and made countless audiences scream and cry with joy, even just one person. night. Sometimes this kind of thought is too strong, and Wang Bo will play a few songs on the computer alone in his room and roar along, or he will twist his hips and waist to some good-looking hip-hop dances, imagining himself. Act out your daydreams by becoming a singer or a dancer.

of ghost is this? Sun Li stopped dancing and danced alone? It’s not a big deal for a person. One of Wang Bo’s main life philosophies after rebirth is experience and breakthroughs, to experience things he never experienced in his previous life, and to break through things he couldn’t break through in his previous life. For example, in his previous life, he often imagined how great it would be if he could become the singers and dancers who stood on the stage and made countless audiences scream and cry with joy, even just one person. night. Sometimes this kind of thought is too strong, and Wang Bo will play a few songs on the computer alone in his room and roar along, or he will twist his hips and waist to some good-looking hip-hop dances, imagining himself. Act out your daydreams by becoming a singer or a dancer.
If Wang Bo wants to be a dancer after his rebirth, he doesn’t have the talent to be a dancer; but it’s not that difficult to turn himself into a hot singer with the help of cheating. However, the many inconveniences and restrictions of being a celebrity discouraged him. So, how can you satisfy your vanity of becoming a “star” and at the same time protect yourself wisely and only benefit from it and not be harmed by it?
The small circle of school is a good stage.
This is also the reason why Wang Bo agreed so readily when Sun Li asked him to perform at the National Day Arts Festival. It not only made him feel good about being noticed, but also prevented him from being too happy and making it known to the whole country.
/However, the problem now is that because of his unexpected rise, the stage that originally belonged to Sun Li has been transferred to his own head. The butterfly effect flapping wings is too windy, right?
But soon, he felt that his butterfly should not be so mysterious. High school is no better than junior high school, academics are too heavy, and everyone’s only goal is to get into college. There are many group activities in the class, such as performances, participating in sports games, etc., but everyone is not very active. And now that I am already a sophomore in high school, this kind of nervousness and urgency is one level closer than that in my first year of high school. If Wang Bo were not a reborn person with a bright future and no worries, if Sun Li found him, he would definitely put it off and not want to waste his time to achieve the honor of the class.
Thinking about it this way, Wang Bo felt that Sun Li in her previous life must have encountered the same difficulties she had encountered not long ago when organizing her “Red Detachment of Women.” It’s just that he was not familiar with Sun Li in his previous life, so they would definitely not tell him these things. Moreover, Sun Li did not have a spare tire like him in her previous life. Even if she encountered difficulties, she would still persevere.
But now, after having him as a spare tire, the literary and art committee member has obviously become lazy and wants to give up.
/Wang Bo also wanted to see the other part