
ed, and even the aisles were full of people. Wang Bo looked towards the front desk and saw that the three cash registers were fully powered. In front of the cash registers, Guan Ping, Tian Xin and Jiang Mei were working hard to deal with the three lines of people queuing in front of the counter. But the queue is not short at all. With the continuous influx of people, it is getting longer and longer.

ed, and even the aisles were full of people. Wang Bo looked towards the front desk and saw that the three cash registers were fully powered. In front of the cash registers, Guan Ping, Tian Xin and Jiang Mei were working hard to deal with the three lines of people queuing in front of the counter. But the queue is not short at all. With the continuous influx of people, it is getting longer and longer.
In other parts of the hall, Li Cui, Xie Ying, sister-in-law Zhong Xiaomin and others were shuttled and busy. They were guiding guests to line up, clearing away plates, making new seats for guests who had no seats, or using dustpans. He and the broom were cleaning up the garbage on the floor, their movements were busy but not chaotic, skillful and quick, and they all had warm, professional smiles on their faces.
At this time, Wang Bo suddenly remembered that Liao Xiaoqing wanted to call her mother to inform her that she would not come home for lunch, so he said to several people: “Wen Jian, Wei Wei, and Li Yang, you three are responsible for finding a seat. Liao Xiaoqing, I will take you to the front desk to make a phone call , and then went to the kitchen to bring food. By the way, what do you want to eat? We have rice noodles, noodles, and Hezi noodles here. The sautee has beef, fat intestines, eel, ribs and chicken offal, what do you want to eat? ”
The four of them reported their snacks to Wang Bo. Lin Wenjian asked for rice noodles, and Liu Wei, Li Yang and Liao Xiaoqing asked for Hezi powder, all of which were 2 taels.
/Wang Bo led Liao Xiaoqing through the crowded crowd from the kitchen to the cashier at the front desk. The phone number for the rice noodle shop is in the corner of the front desk. Wang Bo asked Liao Xiaoqing to call her mother, while he returned to the kitchen and started preparing food for him and several classmates. When Guan Ping, Tian Xin, and Jiang Mei saw Wang Bo leading a pretty girl in, they all winked at him. If they hadn’t been so busy at this moment, they would have teased him out of nowhere.
In the back kitchen, Wang Bo’s parents, Wang Jichang and Zeng Fanyu, stood in front of the two big pots for making rice noodles. They were wearing the same orange polo shirts and caps as the employees outside. At this time, they were busy making rice noodles with their hands. Hezi powder or below, cook and cook.
There were two people standing in front of the two stainless steel sinks, but they were Wang Bo’s eldest aunt Chao Zhonghui and second aunt Xie Mingfang. The two of them originally had two days to wait until the harvested millet was dried and put into the granary before they were ready to come to work at the rice noodle shop together. However, Wang Bo asked the two of them to start work early in view of the grand opening yesterday. I can only let my two uncles worry more about drying corn.
After telling his parents about the orders of several of his classmates, and asking them to exchange two of the 2-taels for 3-taels, Wang Bo returned to the front desk. Liao Xiaoqing was on the p