
nd 985, and I realized that all crows in the world are as black as black, and they are not much better. Compared with teachers in primary and secondary schools, university teachers, whether they are ordinary teaching assistants, associate professors, or professors, are mostly absent-minded and have side jobs. They regard teaching as a task, or a business. Throughout their lives, they have always been good at teaching, and they can only blow when they can. Those who can show slides will never write by hand. Many teachers are equivalent to a humanoid slide player; but when it comes to making extra money in society, they are extremely motivated. Students in many schools no longer call their teachers “teachers” but “boss” instead. If someone has an official position, he will directly take the title of official position, somewhere, a certain director. The students shouted happily, and the teachers also enjoyed it.

nd 985, and I realized that all crows in the world are as black as black, and they are not much better. Compared with teachers in primary and secondary schools, university teachers, whether they are ordinary teaching assistants, associate professors, or professors, are mostly absent-minded and have side jobs. They regard teaching as a task, or a business. Throughout their lives, they have always been good at teaching, and they can only blow when they can. Those who can show slides will never write by hand. Many teachers are equivalent to a humanoid slide player; but when it comes to making extra money in society, they are extremely motivated. Students in many schools no longer call their teachers “teachers” but “boss” instead. If someone has an official position, he will directly take the title of official position, somewhere, a certain director. The students shouted happily, and the teachers also enjoyed it.
/But in this life, why not make the fake come true, make the fictitious “unexpected prize” real and unexpected, and then give some lucky winners a big surprise?
/However, there are exceptions to everything. During his four years in college, compared with the conscientious middle school teachers, although nine out of ten university teachers Wang Bo met were irresponsible, there were also middle school teachers who wanted to teach you everything they knew. The teacher is Mr. Xiong Yanxiong who takes the intensive reading class. In Wang Bo’s eyes, this short and fat teacher Xiong not only prepares lessons carefully, but is also meticulous in writing on the blackboard. He is also never sloppy in correcting students’ homework. Every time, he will use a red pen to correct the students’ mistakes and then write a few sentences. Comments. Seeing Xiong Yan, Wang Bo naturally thought of many teachers in No. 4 Middle School, such as class teacher Xiao Jinsong, Chinese teacher Tang Suzhen, and physics teacher Jiang Mingjun. These people can truly be called gardeners who teach and educate people.
Wang Bo’s arrival surprised all the students in Class 5, including Xiong Yan, especially Xiong Yan. In her opinion, although she had taught classes for Class 5 students for dozens of periods, she was still surprised when she saw this c-waiter in front of her. The number of times for the biggest students can be counted on one hand.
Wang Bo attended two intensive reading classes in a well-behaved manner. Hearing Xiong Yan teach in a familiar mix of British-English and American-English, his mood that had been absent-minded since he got up in the morning calmed down somewhat.
Two hours later, the two sections of intensive reading were finally completed. It’s time for school to end.
Today is the last day of 2001, so Xu Cheng suggested that we all get together at noon. Naturally no one objects to this. The girls were also happily discussing the dinner party. On this last day of 2001, everyone seems to want to take the opportunity to treat their internal organs.
Everyone began to walk towards the school’s commercial street li