
lessly, and spitted, she slowly understood: This Xie Matchmaker, like her father, can’t say how much benefit Liao Zhongfu has received. I wish she could join the Liao family and marry Liao Jun, how could I really speak for her! She was still too naive just now. Guan Ping broke away from Xie Matchmaker’s hand and said loudly to Xie Matchmaker:

lessly, and spitted, she slowly understood: This Xie Matchmaker, like her father, can’t say how much benefit Liao Zhongfu has received. I wish she could join the Liao family and marry Liao Jun, how could I really speak for her! She was still too naive just now. Guan Ping broke away from Xie Matchmaker’s hand and said loudly to Xie Matchmaker:
“No matter how happy I am, I don’t care! No matter how good the Liao family and Liao Jun are, it has nothing to do with me! Even if I die, I will never marry Liao. Handsome!”
/While Matchmaker Xie was doing her daughter’s work, Guan Yongxiang took out a “Tian Xia Xiu”, lit it, put it in his mouth, and squatted like shit under the landscape tree on the sidewalk, smoking while his ears stood up. , listening to Xie Matchmaker’s eloquent persuasion, I nodded in my heart while listening, thinking, Xie Matchmaker’s mouth is very powerful (powerful), with a lot of crooked truths, my mouth will be corrected. None of these. When Miss Ping heard what Xie Matchmaker said, she must have been a little moved, right? What a naive girl! She is willful, stubborn and ignorant! I thought I was teasing her and harming her! Then Liao Jun is so rich in the house, Liao Zhongfu, and Liao Jun are all capable. She will enjoy happiness immediately after marrying her. Why not feel comfortable and uncomfortable? Really ignorant! Fortunately, I was smart this time and brought down the eloquent matchmaker Xie. If I were alone, it would be really difficult to face this stubborn dead woman.
Hey, once Miss Ping marries into the Liao family, the 10,000 yuan gift from the Liao family will not be refunded! That’s ten thousand yuan! I have never seen so much money in my life! What will the ten thousand yuan be used for? Repair a house? Yes, fix the house! The thatched hut at the head of the house is too bad. Guan Yu will also want to please his mother-in-law when he grows up. If he doesn’t build a few
tile-roofed houses, where can he find a mother-in-law? When the 10,000-yuan gift was delivered, Guan Ping’s words, “I won’t marry Liao Jun even if I die,” made Guan Yongxiang stunned and unbelievable. He couldn’t believe his ears at all. After the shock, a burst of anger burst out of his chest like a volcano erupting. Guan Yongxiang, who was squatting under the tree like he was squatting in a latrine, stood up from under the tree in a flash, rushed towards Guan Ping with vigorous steps, and slapped Guan Ping in the face.
/“You’re so fucked up! I haven’t hit you for so long. Is your skin itchy again? Don’t think that after working in Sifang for a few days, I don’t dare to hit you! I will provide you with food and provide for you. Drink, I have worked hard to bring you up. Without me, how could you survive today? Guan Ping, I have explained to you today: Liao Jun, you have to marry whether you want to marry or not! It’s not up to you! As long as If you haven’t been married for a day, you won’t be able to speak in this house! If you don’t beat a dog for three days, you go to the house to uncover the til