
having arms, legs and feet again in this zombie-infested world. As long as he can get out of his current predicament, with his parkour ability and strong physical fitness, he has many advantages over other players, which seems to increase his chances of surviving here.

having arms, legs and feet again in this zombie-infested world. As long as he can get out of his current predicament, with his parkour ability and strong physical fitness, he has many advantages over other players, which seems to increase his chances of surviving here.
While sitting on the iron frame of the billboard, Liu Gan had been paying close attention to the movements in the square. He observed that the players who were killed were basically eaten by the zombies in the square, and only a few were left in the end. The broken bones and corpses were left on the ground of the square.
Then, none of these players logged into the game again.
I don’t know what happened after they died, and I don’t know if they didn’t log in again because they were afraid, or as the skinny player said before, death in the game means real death, which is why they can no longer log in. Anyway, Liu Qian’s heart It feels a little bad.
The exit options and the options to call the GM were all invalid. Liu Gan thought that maybe only by killing all the zombies or completing specific tasks could he leave here alive and return to the real world.
With so many zombies, it is not easy to kill them all, so it is likely that you have to complete a specific task.
/If he could return to the real world, Liu Gan thought that the hands and feet he had regrown here would probably disappear again. In that case, he would be a waste alive, so for him now, being trapped in the game world is not necessarily a problem. It was even more difficult for him to accept than returning to the real world.
So he felt that he probably didn’t need to study how to exit the game and return to the real world. He only needed to focus on how to leave the square alive where the zombies were surging.
Liu Qian looked at his watch again. The options for calling the GM and exiting the game were still gray, and the only thing that could be opened was the character attribute list. But the list of attributes also seems a bit too simple. In addition to basic information such as heartbeat and body temperature, it only contains measurement information such as level and hunger value, thirst value, fatigue, cleanliness, health, and infection degree.
/Now his infection level is green, his hunger level is green with a hint of orange, his thirst level has changed from orange to red, and his cleanliness and health are also green. According to Liu Gan’s estimation, green should represent normal values. Once these values ??deviate from the normal standard, they will gradually change from green to red or even black. Once they turn to red, he will be wary, just like the current thirst value. .
A gust of cold wind mixed with a hint of chill blew from a distance. Liu Gan, who was sitting on the billboard, couldn’t help but shiver. He subconsciously looked in the direction of the cold wind and found that he was originally in the direction of the billboard. The lightning in the distant sky had already appeared in the sky not far away, and it seemed that it would soon move to the to