
e aura of being a proud man on their head. God gave them the gift of birth. His fame, power and talent made Liu Shaobo jealous, but he found that he was not even qualified to be jealous.

e aura of being a proud man on their head. God gave them the gift of birth. His fame, power and talent made Liu Shaobo jealous, but he found that he was not even qualified to be jealous.
However, God seems to be fair. Among the descendants of the big family, a person who was born unable to practice martial arts was born.
/Dayu founded his country based on martial arts. It can even be said that all dynasties in the history of these seven states advocated martial arts. Even the princes and ministers had at least martial arts master level. The higher the level of martial arts cultivation, the more respected people are. If one is born unable to practice martial arts, he can be compared with pigs, dogs and beasts, or even trash inferior to livestock.
/The product of the marriage between the Luo family and the Zhou family named Luo Jijun was such a waste. Until he was four years old, no martial arts master in the capital could find out the martial arts power in him, and he had extraordinary bones. Extremely poor, physically weak and not suitable for practicing martial arts. When the news came out, the eyes of everyone in the capital were all focused on the waste of the aristocratic family that had not been seen in nearly a thousand years. There was sympathy, disdain, speculation, and gloating. For Liu Shaobo and the other officials, who were not big and small, However, it made them extremely excited. With Luo Jijun, the oppression brought by the children of the aristocratic family was slightly relieved. When they were drinking and having fun on weekdays, the person they liked to mention most, apart from the girls from the major beauty shops, was this good-for-nothing Luo Jijun.
It seems that it was twelve years ago. After the Zhou family of the General Mansion was implicated in a major rebellion and the house was ransacked by hidden guards at night, almost all the young masters liked to go to Yuzhuo Street every day to take a look at the once aloof man. The young master of the Luo family is now crouching on the ground like a bereaved dog. At that time, Zhou Jijun had been abandoned by the Luo family and his surname was no longer Luo, and his mother, the fourth young lady of the Luo family who fascinated all the men in the capital, was also imprisoned in Baiyi Nunnery. Back then, Baiyi Nunnery was still clean. The place of monasticism, before the Queen ascended the throne.
Liu Shaobo still remembers clearly that in the year of the turmoil, he once brought carefully prepared raw pork to Yuzhuo Street. He waved to the boy kindly and threw the pork in his hand at the boy who was already confused and dirty. The boy sniffed his nose, a dim look suddenly appeared in his cloudy eyes, and he pounced on the piece of raw pork.
However, after only one bite, the boy howled in pain, covering his mouth and rolling on the ground.
Liu Shaobo still can’t forget the way the boy looked at him when he raised his head. The boy whose flesh was pierced by bamboo thorns did not cry. His mouth was full of blood, and he just looked at Liu