
my parents about not going to work, saying that I was allowed to rest for a few days, and they believed me. After I got up and washed up, I told my parents that I would go to the library so that they didn’t have to wait for me to eat.

my parents about not going to work, saying that I was allowed to rest for a few days, and they believed me. After I got up and washed up, I told my parents that I would go to the library so that they didn’t have to wait for me to eat.
On the way out, I called Zhang Ziang. I felt uneasy, so I asked him if there had been any unusual murder cases recently. Moreover, I always thought of Yan Mingliang’s incomplete head, which was full of scars. Shocked.
Zhang Ziang said that he has become more peaceful recently. Except for the few murder cases I have come into contact with, except for the strange methods of committing crimes, they are not as abnormal as before.
I hung up the phone and told my parents that I was not lying to them about going to the library, but that I really wanted to go.
I just wanted to find some books about pineapples, and I felt that in order to figure out what the word “pineapple” meant, I had to first understand what the word pineapple meant.
I spent the whole day in the library, and of course I didn’t eat breakfast. Until the afternoon, I read almost every book related to pineapples. Finally, I saw a folk tale, which made me break out in a cold sweat.
However, to sort out all the clues, we have to start with what a pineapple is.
A pineapple is naturally a pineapple. If it were in the past, I would never take such a word seriously, but this time is different, because the unusual origin started when I was kidnapped.
The piece of folklore I saw should actually be regarded as folklore. When I saw that section, I found that the title above was pineapple. But when I read the whole story, I found that it was completely different from pineapple. Not even related to it, not even the word pineapple was mentioned.
/This story dates from the late Qing Dynasty. Pineapples were introduced to China relatively late, so it probably only appeared at that time.
/The story is that there once was a scholar who wanted to get fame and fame, but he couldn’t pass the exam. Instead, he only knew how to study all day long, so that he was impoverished and couldn’t even marry a wife. He saw that he was getting older day by day. He was so anxious that he finally managed to marry someone, and although his life was poor, he could live on. Later, his wife gave birth to a child, and he was very happy, and the couple has been fine.
When his child turned one year old, his family called relatives and friends to celebrate. His wife cooked a table of delicious dishes. When the last table of dishes was served, everyone was shocked. She actually put her own son When it’s cooked, put it in a basin and serve it like this.
Later, the woman died, and it didn’t matter how she died, because this was not a ghost story, and there was no plot that turned into a ghost’s revenge. The only thing left for people to guess is why the woman did this and why she said this.
In fact, the scholar and his family treated her well, so this is a mystery.
The story is roughly like this. I read this story on the last page of a book about