
he knees. Wang Bo focused his eyes on the two flowers. On the flower stamen, he said dejectedly: “Don’t dare to cut!”

he knees. Wang Bo focused his eyes on the two flowers. On the flower stamen, he said dejectedly: “Don’t dare to cut!”
/“Coward!” Liao Xiaoqing muttered, feeling relieved and a little regretful at the same time.
The opening ceremony was much the same. At the beginning, the national flag was raised and the national anthem was played, accompanied by the school drum and bugle corps.
Afterwards, it was the same old tradition, the principal gave a speech.
Before delivering his speech, principal Huang Zhihua first introduced the leading guests who came to attend the “2000 Sifang Middle School Opening Ceremony and New Concept Essay Contest Special Prize Report” today, Director of the Sifang Education Bureau Li Changzhi and Deputy Director Zhou Min, and then began his speech according to the script. In his speech, “In the past year, the teaching of No. 4 Middle School has achieved fruitful results”, “In the new year, under the guidance of the leaders of the Education Committee and with the joint efforts of all teachers and students, we will surely win a more brilliant future.” “In short, it is a cliché and cliche that Wang Bo roughly knows what the other party is going to say in the second half after listening to the first half of the sentence.
Of course, it can be seen from the red banner of the much older “Sifang Middle School 2000 Opening Ceremony and New Concept Essay Contest Special Prize Report” that compared to previous years, which almost only changed the year, but other speeches remained the same. , the other party has changed somewhat this year. For example, at the end of the speech, Huang Zhihua specifically mentioned Wang Bo and wrote a special book about it. It was only with the care and guidance of the leaders of the Education Committee and the school leaders that he became this national leader. Remarkable achievements.
After Education Director Li Changzhi stepped down, the rest of the time basically revolved around Wang Bolai.
Tang Suzhen’s speech was smooth, but because everyone was interested in Wang Bo’s award-winning experience and wanted to know how he passed five levels, defeated six generals, and defeated middle school students across the country, the teachers and students in the audience listened with great interest. , and occasionally gave applause and encouragement.
Tang Suzhen walked off the stage amidst bursts of applause, and then it was the turn of the teachers and students in the school to speak with great anticipation. The grand prize winner of the New Concept Essay Contest was Wang Bo’s speech.
Thanks to “Brother Lao Tie” and “Brother Shanhua Cliff” for contributing 500 starting coins each!
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